About me
Not listening to anything right now
Sri Lanka
Since 2020, I've been building software for clients and personal projects. I work with JavaScript, CSS, and Svelte, with sometimes Rust. I explore software development, machine learning (ML), and web3 projects.
I've worked on Enterprise applications for various clients. I hold a certification from Codingame for problem-solving with JavaScript.
I share my learning experiences on my blog (Tronic247). When I'm not coding, you'll find me listening to music, taking photos, or just riding my bike.
My Skills
My work

Win11 Svelte
Created by http://yashash.dev/ and me. A Windows 11 recreation, made with Svelte & Vite.

Windows 11 recreation in React. Made by a large team of developers, but I was one of the first and major contributors.

An AI-powered note-taking app for students, it was the first of its kind. Won a hackathon hosted by Hashnode.

Job Management System
An enterprise application for managing jobs. Made for a local company and is used in production to generate invoices, manage jobs, and more.

Task Management System
Another enterprise application for managing tasks. Made for a local company and is used in production.

Generates terminal commands with AI. Discontinued.
A modern copy-pasting alternative for developers. Won a hackathon hosted by Hashnode. Discontinued.
Generates beautiful gradients. Discontinued.
Small Projects
These are the projects that I've worked just for the sake of learning or for fun.
—Simple paste bin - powered by SvelteKit & IPFS.
Home clock
—Firmware for ESP8266 to display time and more features.
Discord Bot
—Personal Discord bot for my server.
Are we cooked yet?
—A parody website regarding presidential elections in Sri Lanka.
—Simple filesystem written in Rust.
Contact me
Contact me at posandumapa@gmail.com. Also, you can find me on social media using the links below.